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San Diego-Based Algae Biofuel Strikes ‘Milestone’ Deal With Oil Giant

Susan Murphy | 06.07.13 | kpbs.org

SAN DIEGO — San Diego-based Cellana, a developer of algae bioproducts, has signed a commercial-scale agreement with Neste Oil, the world’s largest producer of renewable diesel.

Under the off-take agreement, Neste Oil has agreed to purchase large volumes of Cellana’s algae-based crude oil if Cellana can increase its future production capacity.

Read more at kpbs.org »

San Diego-Based Algae Biofuel Strikes ‘Milestone’ Deal With Oil Giant2024-10-21T16:57:14-07:00

Cellana and Neste Oil Enter Into Multi-Year, Commercial-Scale Off-Take Agreement for Algae Oil Feedstock for Biofuels

(SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA AND KAILUA-KONA, HAWAII, June 6, 2013) – Cellana, a leading developer of algae-based feedstocks for biofuels, animal feed, and Omega-3 nutritional oils, announced today that it has entered into a multi-year off-take agreement with Neste Oil, the world’s leading supplier of renewable diesel, for commercial-scale quantities of Cellana’s ReNew™ Fuel algae oil feedstocks for biofuel applications.

Under the agreement, Neste Oil has committed to purchase crude algal oil produced by commercial-scale algae biorefineries that Cellana is developing worldwide.  The agreement is contingent on Cellana’s future production capacity and on compliance with future biofuel legislation in the EU and US, among other factors.  The agreement between Cellana and Neste Oil is non-exclusive and allows each company to enter into additional agreements with other parties.

“Cellana is honored by Neste Oil’s commitment to this commercial off-take agreement, as they are the world’s largest supplier and distributor of renewable diesel,” said Martin […]

Cellana and Neste Oil Enter Into Multi-Year, Commercial-Scale Off-Take Agreement for Algae Oil Feedstock for Biofuels2024-10-21T16:55:02-07:00

Cellana Appoints Michael J. Kamdar as President

Seasoned Biopharmaceutical Executive to Accelerate Company’s Commercialization Efforts

(SAN DIEGO, CA AND KAILUA-KONA, HI – May 22, 2013) – Cellana, Inc., a leading developer of algae-based bioproducts for the pharmaceutical, nutraceutical, fuel and animal feed industries, announced the appointment of Michael J. Kamdar as president of Cellana. Kamdar will be primarily responsible for commercialization, business development, research and development and operations.

“We are very pleased to have Michael join the Cellana team. His track record of success in building, funding and leading biotechnology and biopharmaceutical companies is very impressive,” said Martin Sabarsky, Cellana’s CEO. “Michael’s significant biopharmaceutical industry experience, including with both private and public companies, complements our existing team and will help accelerate our three-product business model into commercialization with a particular focus on the high-value portion in pharmaceutical and nutraceutical oils.”

“Cellana is entering an exciting growth stage as it begins to see its leading position in algae-based products advance into […]

Cellana Appoints Michael J. Kamdar as President2024-10-21T16:54:16-07:00

National Algae Testbed Kicks Off at ASU

(April 23, 2013) Algae Testbed Public-Private Partnership (ATP3) members from across the U.S. gathered at the Arizona State University Polytechnic campus April 15-18 for their national kickoff meetings to discuss strategies for advancing research and development of algae-based technologies for biofuels and other valuable coproducts.

Led by the Arizona Center for Algae Technology and Innovation (AzCATI) at ASU, representatives from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Sandia National Laboratories, Cellana, Touchstone Research Laboratory, Valicor Renewables, California Polytechnic University San Luis Obispo, Georgia Institute of Technology, University of Texas at Austin, and Commercial Algae Management are partners in the recently formed ATP3. Their mutual goals are to facilitate innovation, empower knowledge creation and accelerate growth of the emergent algal energy industry via this high-level collaboration.

Read more at www.algaeindustrymagazine.com

National Algae Testbed Kicks Off at ASU2024-10-21T16:53:26-07:00

Cellana Announces Its ReNew™ Line of Algae-Based Omega-3 EPA and DHA Oils, Animal Feed, and Biofuel Feedstocks

Samples Available Now for Customer Evaluation for Animal Nutrition and Biofuel Applications and in Second Half of 2012 for Omega-3 Applications

SAN DIEGO, CA AND KAILUA-KONA, HI – (Marketwire -06/06/12) – Cellana, Inc. announced the launch of its ReNew™ brand and ReNew™ Omega-3 line of algae-based products at the GOED (Global Organization for EPA and DHA) conference being held this week in Boston, Massachusetts.  The ReNew™ brand was developed to meet the growing demand for more sustainable Omega-3 human health products, animal nutrition products, and biofuel feedstocks.

The ReNew™ portfolio is comprised of four main product categories:

ReNew™ Omega-3

Compelling scientific evidence continues to show the health benefits of a diet rich in the Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. This has led to an increase in worldwide consumption of fish and fish oils — the main sources of Omega-3 EPA and DHA oils currently. However, unknown to many, fish that contain these valuable […]

Cellana Announces Its ReNew™ Line of Algae-Based Omega-3 EPA and DHA Oils, Animal Feed, and Biofuel Feedstocks2024-10-21T16:47:49-07:00

ABS Wraps with Upbeat Message to the Industry—and the World

(AlgaeIndustryMagazine.comOctober 27, 2011) – There was an obvious evolution to the annual Algal Biomass Summit that concluded Thursday, Oct. 27, in Minneapolis, symbolized by an attendance increase of 25% over last year’s event in Phoenix – to 793, a 50% increase in trade show exhibitors—to 72 booths, more than 100 poster presentations, and 125 speakers. “The quality of the presenters was so much higher than in the past,” said ABO Executive Director Mary Rosenthal. “It’s become highly competitive to participate as a speaker. This was the first year we had to turn people down—we had 300 submissions for the 125 slots available.”  (Read Article)

Cellana to Sponsor and Present at the 2012 BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

KONA, HI–(Marketwire -04/30/12)- Cellana LLC, a leading developer of algae-based biofuels and bioproducts, is a sponsor and scheduled presenter at the 2012 BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing. The […]

ABS Wraps with Upbeat Message to the Industry—and the World2024-10-21T16:46:40-07:00

Cellana Leads $9 Million DOE Funded Consortium for Algae-based Fuels and Feeds

(Washington, DC, June 28, 2010) – The U.S. Department of Energy announced today the investment of up to $24 million for three research groups to tackle key hurdles in the commercialization of algae-based biofuels. The selections will support the development of a clean, sustainable transportation sector – a goal of the Department’s continued effort to spur the creation of the domestic bio-industry while creating jobs. Developing cost-effective renewable transportation fuels is a key component of the Administration’s strategy to cut greenhouse gas emissions and move the Nation toward energy independence.

“Partnerships such as these focus the creative powers of the public, private, and academic sectors on key challenges facing the development of renewable energy for transportation,” said Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Cathy Zoi. “The United States must find effective ways to hasten the development of technologies for advanced biofuels made from algae and other renewable resources to […]

Cellana Leads $9 Million DOE Funded Consortium for Algae-based Fuels and Feeds2024-10-21T16:41:57-07:00

Cellana Receives $5.5 Million USDA and DOE Grant to Develop New Algae-Based Animal Feeds

(Kona, Hawaii, May 12, 2011) — Kona-based Cellana LLC, a leading developer of algae-based biofuels and bioproducts, has received a three-year $5.5 million grant to develop a protein supplement from algae as a byproduct of algal biofuels production and to demonstrate its nutritional and economic value in livestock feeds.

Funding is provided through the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)’s Biomass Program through the Biomass Research and Development Initiative and will help increase the availability of alternative renewable fuels and biobased products to diversify the nation’s energy resources.  The award was made through a competitive selection process.

Cellana LLC, a subsidiary of Cellana, Inc. (formerly HR BioPetroleum, Inc.), will receive $5,521,173 for the project, titled “Developing a New Generation of Animal Feed Protein Supplements.”  Under this grant, Cornell University will be conducting large-scale animal feeding trials using algae biomass provided […]

Cellana Receives $5.5 Million USDA and DOE Grant to Develop New Algae-Based Animal Feeds2024-10-21T16:44:27-07:00

Cellana’s Kona Demonstration Facility and Patented Algae Production Process Showing Promising Results

(Kona, HI, May 3, 2011) –Company is leveraging technology investments to date of over $100 million; Company is focused on government programs and new corporate partnerships; Plan for Maui commercial algae facility on track for 2014.

Cellana LLC is positioned to be the first algae company to ramp up to commercial deployment for a biofuel application in Hawaii. This commercial algae facility would also represent one of the first of its kind in the United States.

“Cellana’s patented process for growing algae at industrial scale is showing promising results. With thousands of different strains already evaluated, we are growing algae strains capable of producing up to 60 tons of biomass containing 3,800 gallons of algal oil per acre per year,” explained Martin Sabarsky, Cellana’s chief executive officer.

“Cellana is now producing experimental quantities of up to a ton per month of Hawaiian strains of algae at our demonstration facility in Kona. We are […]

Cellana’s Kona Demonstration Facility and Patented Algae Production Process Showing Promising Results2024-10-21T16:43:36-07:00

HR BioPetroleum Makes Changes Name, Board, and Leadership

(Kona, Hawaii, April 25, 2011) –HR BioPetroleum, Inc. (HRBP), a leading developer of algae-based biofuels and bioproducts, announced today that the company has changed its name to Cellana, Inc., promoted Martin Sabarsky to president and chief executive officer, and that Mike May was elected to the board of directors.

Former CEO Ed Shonsey will remain on the board, joining chairman and co-founder C. Barry Raleigh, Ph.D., May and Sabarsky, who was also elected to the board at a recent shareholders’ meeting.

HR BioPetroleum, now Cellana, Inc., founded in Hawaii in 2004, uses the most productive plants on earth – marine algae – to produce feedstocks for biofuels, aquaculture feed, animal feed, cosmetics, industrial chemicals and other valuable products while simultaneously reducing industrial emissions of CO2. In 2007, HRBP and Royal Dutch Shell PLC, the international energy company, formed Cellana as a separate joint venture to build and operate a six-acre demonstration facility to […]

HR BioPetroleum Makes Changes Name, Board, and Leadership2024-10-21T16:42:42-07:00
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